Results 9

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People & Culture

Rétablir les faits, pour l’Histoire

Les journalistes autochtones créent des espaces pour enquêter sur les crimes commis dans les pensionnats pour Autochtones, aux prises avec des questions non résolues et une reconnaissance pour laquelle il reste beaucoup de chemin à parcourir.

  • 2822 words
  • 12 minutes

People & Culture

Interview: Kimberly Murray on honour and justice for missing Indigenous children

The recently-appointed special interlocutor discusses the respectful treatment of unmarked graves and burial sites associated with former Indian residential schools

  • 1641 words
  • 7 minutes

People & Culture

How Marie Wilson will mark the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Episode 22

For the former Commissioner of Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on Sept. 30 is akin to Remembrance Day

  • 46 minutes

People & Culture

Reflecting on Canada Day

Reimagine Canada Day will give Ottawa residents the chance to reflect, learn — and reimagine — following the discovery in the past month of hundreds of children's bodies on the former sites of residential schools

  • 443 words
  • 2 minutes

People & Culture

Survivor: The story of Phyllis Webstad and Orange Shirt Day

Phyllis Webstad turns her residential school experience into a powerful tool for reconciliation through Orange Shirt Day

  • 1904 words
  • 8 minutes